GOD inspired! My very own creation! Registered & Protected

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Just When I thought I'd Seen It All...

Ok yall, its been a minute, but the funniest things have been happening & I have not had the time to sit down long enough to tell you about them! (sorry) I will do better!
Ok, so, PICTURE IT... I'm on my bus, regular route but a different day... I approached a stop on Harrison around California... I see a lot of familiar faces, but one I had never seen before was standing out there looking like a character off of the Starsky & Hutch show (memba that? lol)! I had to do a doubletake to see if it was Huggie Bear! Could have passed for Lenny off of Good Times or Romie Rome from Martin! OMG, LMBO! His hair looked just like a sweated out perm, reminded me of James Brown after one of his shows! If you don't know any of these people I am referring to then this might not seem funny to you at all! But if you do, then you should be crackin the heck up as you picture this whole scenario!
This dude gets on stumbling, I give him the old head nod & quarter of a smile cuz I'm trying to figure out what he on... he fumblin for his fare, staggering & trying to hold on to an umbrella & an open cup of coffee all at the same time! He stands closer to me as to allow other passengers to get by. RED FLAG! GIMME 3 FEET! YOU'RE IN MY COMFORT ZONE!!! 9-1-1 LOL! I said (pointing) "Sir, you can sit your things OVER THERE on that counter so you can hold on while looking for your fare, the bus is about to move & I don't want you to fall!" Dude turns & looks up at me (cuz I sits high & looks low-lol) he skinnin & grinnin like a cheshire cat as if to say aww you care bout me lol! OMG! His gold teeth were tarnished so badly that I wanted to give him some CLR to clean them & he smelled like moled, very old Old Spice! Ugggh! I'm gaggin ova here, eeeew!!! I'm trying to greet everyone else to the best of my ability! I know they was wondering why dude was standing right there, cuz I sholl was wondering the same thing! My face was trying to smile, but my forehead had those worried wrinkles & my smile looked as if I was 'bout to cry! LOL Are you freakin picturin this? OMG! He finally found the transit card & put it in, "THANK YOU, now don't forget your coffee & umbrella... go on now & have a seat sir, so you don't fall" I said. He sat in the first seat behind me! Gee... great! Its cold outside & I HAVE to have the heat on, but I also HAVE to have that trusty window wide open because of the stinch lol!!! I kept driving, wondering if dude was going all the way downtown or what cuz brother been ridin for a minute lol! When he finally did want to get off, he did not ring the bell, he just jumped up and yelled "aaay, that was my stop!" LOL I was thinking to myself "sholl WUZ cuz we done passed that one boo, you gotta pull that cord shoot I can't read yo mind!" LOL but of course I remained professional & explained that I'd GLADLY pull up to the next stop & let him out where it was safe to do so. He stood at the door just about to exit & BAM! changed his mind! He said, "aw, wait a minute, that wasn't my stop" then he sat back down! My face got long as the day is long lol! I was like you have got to be kidding me!!! lol He sat back down mumbling about something & crumpled every piece of paper that he had in his pockets! A lady passenger got on with a conversation already in progress, saying "NEXT TIME I'MMA POUR HOT ACID IN YOUR FACE!" In the words of my pastor, "Who she talking tooooo"? "ME"? I asked. She replied with a smile, "Nawww, not you. I'm talking to somebody else!" She kept fussing & went all the way to the back of the bus. I looked around to see if I was the only one in the twilight zone! What is really going on? I wanted to scream, "STOP IT, JUST STOP IT! IT IS 6 FREAKIN O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING! WHO MAKES THAT MUCH NOISE AT 6 IN THE MORNING? YALL DONE GOT ON HERE, DISTURBING MY PEACE, YALL GOTS TO GO MISTA AND SISTA! I SHOULDN'T HAVE EVEN STOPPED! SHOULD'VE JUST GAVE YA THE OLD LOOK STRAIGHT AHEAD AS IF I NEVER EVEN SAW YA! I KNEW YALL WERE GONNA GIMME A HARD TIME!" Oooh honey baby child, my nerves was shot! LOL but, of course I said no such thing, not out loud anyway! lol Mista eventually got off at Polk Pink Line, abruptly jumping up at the last minute AGAIN, but never the less, he got off! Sista girl rode til she couldn't ride no mo' steady fussin' at the people that only she could see! There was a sigh of relief in the silence! I thought the people was gonna start clappin! This is why I pray b4 I leave home, cause like Forrest Gump say his Mama always said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get!" That's the "sho nuff truth"!
Through all of this that was going on, a man was reading the Bible aloud & the passengers were all looking at him as if he was the crazy one disturbing the peace! LOL! For me, that was God's reminder that He is everywhere I am...& HE ALWAYS HAS ME COVERED! That WORD was the most comforting thing this side of creation!!! I took a deep breath & smiled! I deal with this & much more on a daily basis! If you know me personally, then you can see why I am the way I am! I got to laugh to keep from crying!!! OMG, LMBO!

Proverbs 17:22 Amplified Version 
A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Through The Eyes Of My Child!

Child #4 came running in from the backyard, so excited, "Maaaaa, hey Maaa", he yelled. I thought something was wrong! "What is it?", I asked.
His voice fluctuated up & down as he described his new pet in a run on sentence! LOL, it seems he never even took a breath! "Ma, I called for a squirrel to come to me! "Come here boy, come here & guess what Ma, HE CAME! (I tried to jump in with a response) "He did?" "Uh huh & Ma, I named him FOOTBALL cuz you know I love playing football! Ma, I FED HIM A CRACKER that I had in my pocket &"... I managed to break in & ask "what was a cracker doing in your pocket?" "I had it from before!" Before when? "Earlier in school, we had snacks Maaa." You didn't hand it to him did ya? "Nooo Maaa, I put it on the ground right in front of me!" (he was getting frustrated that I kept interrupting his flow. lol) Oh, ok, continue! "Maaaa guess what, HE SAT THERE & ate it RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY VERY EYES!!! He was SOOO CLOSE to me! My brother was scared out of his mind cuz Football looked at him funny, but I wasn't scared Ma! Isn't that AWESOME Ma, huh?" Ye... (tried to answer, but he cut me off with his excitement! lol)" You shoulda seen him Ma, he was beautiful! He's brown with a grey tail! His tail had like a spiral pattern & it was all bushy & puffy! Do you think he will come back Ma, huh? Have you ever seen a squirrel's tail Ma?" (He's letting me talk now while he catches his breath! lol) Sure, but I never really paid any attention sweetie. WOW, you've got a way with the animals huh? That's pretty neat, but, you be careful out there! Don't get too close to that thing... "MAAAA?", he moaned, disappointed that I referred to his new pet as a thing! I mean, don't get too close to "Football" baby, I don't want him to nibble on you, ya hear? "Ok Ma", he went running back outside shouting "I hope he comes back EVERYDAY! I can't wait to get to school to tell all of my friends that I've got a new pet squirrel that I named FOOTBALL! Sweeeeeeeeet!"

That was so funny to me! He talked about his experience all night! It doesn't take much to please a child! They're so innocent & pure! I love & cherish moments like this! I don't want to take anything for granted! Let us take pleasure in all of God's beautiful creations!

Proverbs 17:22 Amplified Version
A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Day In The Life Of ME!

Ahhhh, I've been waiting for so long to write about the hillarious stuff that happens to me on a daily basis! I will be sharing some pretty embarrassing moments with you! My only hope is that you laugh, laugh & laugh some more!

Life is... what you make it? Life is... grand? Life is... too short? Life is ... like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get? There are many sayings about life! But out of all the things that has happened in my life, including the good, bad & the ugly, I can't bring myself to say this one - Life... stinks!

I'd like to think more positively & say Life is... what you make it! And I choose to make it fun! Sure, I've cried more than my fair share of tears, but then I find humor in it! Even the saddest of situations, eventually wind up funny to me! What? I don't think there's anything is wrong with that! LMBO!

Well, one tragic thing did happen to me on yesterday. It started out great! My good friend & 3 of her children came over & my 4 children & I all went to the back to school party to enjoy movies in the park. As I sat nestled with my feet up in my royal lawn chair, a bug flew in my eye! I immediately began to bat my eye fast (something my mom taught me when I was little) and I tried not to rub it, but it was hard not to! My natural reflex of tears falling began & I was praying that the bug would be flushed out immediately, but it wasn't! I could feel my eye swelling! I rushed home to use a very small glass to flush my eye out with slightly warm water & when I looked in the mirror I almost screamed! To my surprise, my reflection was not the same one I woke up with! I looked like the character Sophia from The Color Purple Movie after she was hit in the eye with the butt of a handgun! I was cracking up with laughter as I quoted the exact lines from Sophia! I know it like the back of my hand, its one of my all time favorite movies!
Just when you thought I was done, there's more! I was born with what some call a lazy eye. My left eyeball drifts to the corner sometimes. Not a whole lot but I notice it! When I am really tired, my left eye seems slightly smaller than the right! Now, what used to be my "GOOD EYE" is bad! Heeey, what do ya know... now I have a matching set! OMGLMBO! (Oh My God, Laughing My Butt Off)

"BE" Attitudes!